OCTEC A Proud Jobs Victoria Mentoring Services Partner


Ongoing Support

Resume Building & Preparation

Skill Building

Job Searching

Earn And Learn

Employer And Business Support

Offering Mentoring In the City of Brimbank

We support residents of the City of Brimbank who are long-term (12 months or longer) unemployed or those looking to gain jobs in careers they wish to thrive in.

OCTEC Jobs Victoria offers training, education and paid learning opportunities to those seek work. Employers can benefit through connection with staff eager to work and OCTEC Biz Support.

Stories on film

Who Is Eligible?

We assist residents and employers from Brimbank. This includes those in or about Deer Park, Keilor, St Albans, Sunshine and Sydenham. We provide tailored support catering to needs and any barriers.

You can find more information on eligibility and our commitment to our jobseekers by clicking the button below.


Thank you to OCTEC and [Mentor] Fariza for all the support provided to me … I come from having no money to now having money … this is very exciting for me.

Ahlam, OCTEC Jobs Victoria, Participant

Want To Partner With Us?

We value our relationships with local employers in the City of Brimbank and surrounding areas and offer assistance and support with finding the right employee to support the culture and growth of the business.

Get in contact with us today for an obligation free assessment of your employment needs now and into the future.



We are a not-for-profit employment organisation invested in the community by supporting jobseekers to find and secure employment.



Our Parent website contains all our Locations and services.